Hawaiian Airlines Name Change Policy | +1-833-714-2120

Whether it’s due to a spelling mistake, legal name change, or simply an error during booking, situations may arise where you need to make changes to your name on a flight reservation. In this article, we will explore Hawaiian Airlines’ name change policy, providing you with valuable information on how to navigate this process smoothly.

Understanding Name Change Options

Hawaiian Airlines understands that unforeseen circumstances may require passengers to change their names on flight reservations. They offer two options to address such situations:

a. Minor Name Corrections: If you made a minor error in the spelling of your name during booking, such as a typo, Hawaiian Airlines allows name corrections without any charges. This applies when the correction does not change the identity of the passenger.

b. Legal Name Changes or Significant Corrections: For cases where a legal name change or a significant correction is necessary, Hawaiian Airlines requires a formal name change process. This process involves providing appropriate documentation to update the name on the reservation.


Formal Name Change Process

To initiate a formal Hawaiian Airlines Name Change Policy, follow these steps:

a. Contact Hawaiian Airlines: Reach out to the Hawaiian Airlines customer service or reservations department to inform them about the name change request. Explain the reason for the change and ask for guidance on the required documentation.

b. Documentation Requirements: Hawaiian Airlines typically requires official supporting documents to verify the name change. These may include a court order, marriage certificate, divorce decree, or any other legal document that demonstrates the name change.

c. Submitting Documentation: Follow the instructions provided by Hawaiian Airlines to submit the necessary documentation. This may involve mailing or faxing the documents, uploading them through their website, or visiting a Hawaiian Airlines ticket office in person.

d. Processing Time and Fees: Allow sufficient time for the processing of your name change request, as it may take several business days. Be aware that Hawaiian Airlines may charge a fee for significant name changes, so inquire about any associated costs during your communication with their customer service team.


Contact Our Travel Agent for Hawaiian Airlines Name Change Policy: +1-833-714-2120


Important Considerations

Keep the following considerations in mind when dealing with Hawaiian Airlines’ name change policy:

a. Time Restrictions: Hawaiian Airlines may have specific time restrictions on name changes. It’s advisable to initiate the process as soon as you become aware of the need for a name change to avoid any potential issues closer to your departure date.

b. International Travel: If you’re traveling internationally with Hawaiian Airlines, ensure that your name change complies with the passport or visa requirements of your destination. Coordinate with the appropriate authorities and make the necessary updates before your trip.

c. Additional Documentation: Apart from the legal name change documentation, Hawaiian Airlines may request other supporting documents, such as identification proof or a copy of the original booking confirmation. Stay in touch with the airline representatives to provide any additional information they may require.


Hawaiian Airlines strives to accommodate passengers’ name change requests, understanding that unforeseen circumstances can arise. By familiarizing yourself with Hawaiian Airlines’ name change policy and following the proper procedures, you can ensure a seamless and stress-free experience when making necessary modifications to your flight reservation. Remember to communicate with their customer service team promptly and provide all required documentation to facilitate the name change process efficiently.